

主演:Tony McCoy






  Undoubtedly one of Britain's greatest ever sportsmen, the story of AP's final season is a fascinating mix of sacrifice, doubt, decisions, triumphs and failures, injury and ultimately, finding a way to leave the stage. With unprecedented access to a top athlete, the film tracks all the elements that make up McCoy's life. We see him in action at racecourses across the UK and Ireland. We are with him at the Cheltenham Festival and Aintree. We see him struggling with injury at home, setting himself new targets and grappling with the decision whether to retire or not. We track the successful early part of the season, when AP harbours the outrageous idea of riding 300 winners in a season. We see the shattering effect of injury on body and psyche. We witness the torment of deciding whether this is to be his last season, and we are there as he goes through the public agony of playing out his retirement in public. And then it's no more. Our cast is the team around him; the billionaire owner, ...我的非凡父母进入地狱决胜21点 214x100水著份子西班牙女佣脑中蜜女巫前线:塞勒姆要塞 第三季结晶艳舞亲戚满座温暖的皇妃别跟狗较劲如若巴黎不快乐欲望法则妖女斗师公原宿缩影叛逆女流第一季爱情计谋新猛龙过江全资进组加害者,被害人涉足荒野汤摇庄的幽奈同学剑雨2010黄飞鸿对黄飞鸿半神之境哀乐女子天团这是蛋糕吗? Is It Cake?他们曾是演员屠杀公园恩娇穿越时空的少女宇宙战舰提拉米斯 EX项塔兰第一季米小圈上学记2白教堂血案第三季青春无敌血缘在蓝色时分飞翔美国工厂高智能方程式赛车 OVA1 DOUBLE ONE世界的交汇点不可撤销 Irréversible黄金福将汉太尉杨震

