

主演:朱丽叶塔·马西纳,弗朗索瓦·佩里埃,弗兰卡·马尔齐,多里安·格雷,阿尔多·西尔瓦尼,恩尼奥·吉罗拉米,Mario Passante,Christian Tassou,阿梅德奥·纳扎里,詹尼·巴吉诺,佛朗哥·巴尔杜奇,Ciccio Barbi,Jusy Boncinelli,Loretta Capitoli,Leo Catozzo,多米尼克·德卢什,佛朗哥·法布里齐,里卡尔多·费里尼,埃利奥·毛罗,尼诺·米拉诺,米莫·波利,波利多尔









卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.1卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.2卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.3卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.4卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.5卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.6卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.13卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.14卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.15卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.16卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.17卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.18卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.19卡比利亚之夜 剧照 NO.20


  妓女卡比利亚(茱莉艾塔·玛西娜 Giulietta Masina 饰)一直梦想和自己的爱人过上甜蜜安稳的日子。然而,单纯善良的她在一开始就被男友骗光了钱,并被推入河中,差点丧命。即使遭遇如此羞辱,她还是对爱情充满希望。一次,她在街上偶遇一个刚和女友吵架的男演员,被他邀请 回家过夜。正当她受宠若惊、满心欢喜之际,男演员的女友上门求和,这让卡比利亚再次伤心欲绝。不久,她又在剧场遭遇到一位英俊男子的疯狂追求,起初她有点不自信,但最终还是接受了这位男子的求婚,并变卖所有家产,准备与未婚夫共赴美好新生活。然而,在途中她的未婚夫居然也露出骗子的本性,抢走了她的钱,并差点害死她。一无所有的卡比利亚疯狂痛哭,悲伤欲绝。她独自晃悠在路上,一群活泼的男女从身边经过,他们快乐地边走边唱,欢乐氛围让灰心的卡比利亚受到感染,她的脸上又露出了招牌式的笑容。  本片获得第30届奥斯卡最佳外语片,第10届戛纳电影节最佳女演员奖。东周列国·春秋篇悸动第一季我的野蛮同学(粤语)大叔,乖乖宠我2霹雳雷电美丽的人2016阁楼 Loft先遣连西洋古董洋果子店2008龟甲秘事之拨云见日子夜乱世之定秦剑体操争锋狙击者快把我哥带走飞机VS火山21巷摩的追爱记惊世第六感哥斯拉X摩斯拉X机械哥斯拉:东京与艾米丽的疯狂夜晚神鬼不灵节气唱游记-惊蛰2024提款簿最后的城堡还珠记塞琳娜火女毁灭号地车鹈鹕的故事2019兵权老吴的账单罗马浴场2神经大侠电梯惊魂2013恋爱生物钟小梅女朋友曼哈顿谋杀疑案霍比特人3:五军之战女儿


 1 ) 「假如流水换成我,也要泪儿流」


它突显了父权和经济社会对幸福最单一的衡量标准,就连神父都认为女性要嫁人并养育孩子才能获得幸福的世界里,男性争相竞逐成功,最好都成为矗于顶端的Amedeo Nazzari。在某个卡比莉亚如寻常般被羞辱和抛弃的夜晚,底层的妓女进入了顶端的Amedeo Nazzari家中,那是虚幻的卡比利亚之夜,一个无忧梦,梦是美好短暂并与现实生活无关的。

讽刺的是,Amedeo Nazzari这位演员,最受好评的作品就是《卡比利亚之夜》,在其中饰演一个趋近本色的明星符号。





 2 ) 黑白电影




 3 ) 容易受伤的女人――《卡比利亚之夜》观感







 4 ) 生活总是欺骗你


 5 ) FIFF14丨DAY9《卡比利亚之夜》:即使被生活的巨浪完全覆灭,我依然选择相信并热爱它









卡比利亚啊,愿你过上开心快乐的生活!影片以情动人,丝毫没有刻意炫耀夸大的成分,单纯直爽的卡比利亚打动着我们,也叩问着社会的某些侧面。影片在圣女祠的那一段戏是我最喜欢的,Giulietta Masina的表演太赞了!



Her Majesty:



全篇轻快浪漫的小调却描述了这样一个可怜的卡比利亚。 每一次恋爱,不管长短都飞蛾扑火,疯疯癫癫大大咧咧却比谁都渴望被爱,如有下次也依然会内心炙热选择相信吧。 “如果我是18岁的时候遇到你就好了,那时我留着长的黑发。”这太纯真且惹人怜爱了。 (默默听到了波斯猫。)










 6 ) From ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ To ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso’

In this essay the film styles of these two films will be mainly discussed through several aspects that affect film styles significantly: techniques of the medium, the society and culture background, and personal taste of the two directors of each films.
As David Bordwell says “Style is, minimally, the texture of the film’s images and sounds, the result of choices made by the filmmaker(s) in particular historical circumstances.” Objective and subjective factors influence film style, and in objective factors, there are two aspects: material fact and spiritual fact. Material fact is the sources that are available for filmmaking, whereas spiritual fact is the psychic needs of the spectator. They are very much essential that filmmakers use limited material to make a film for their spectator’s psychic needs. For example postwar films are limited by material availability, and they meet the particular psychic needs of spectator. It is these objective factors distinct one film style from the other. And the subjective factors of filmmakers’ personal decisions are always restricted by the objective factors. There’s no such a film style that can exist without the influence of the period of time during which it is made.
Film techniques in the two films will be compared and contrasted briefly, due to the highlights of these two films are not technique achievement, but the themes and their explored ways. More emphasis will be put on arguing whether or not they are realism or idealism films. This argument will be set on analyze both the objective and subjective factors which affect them in style. And finally their film styles will be concluded comprehensively from different angles of view.

1. An overview of the two films
‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ (Nights of Cabiria) and ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso’ are both Italian national films, and both of them featured by their regional culture.
Fellini’s ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ was released in 1957, which has been considered as one of the most interesting films of the post-war Italian cinema. It tells a tragic story about the life a little naive prostitute Cabiria, who lives in her little house at the outskirt of Rome. Although she’s been drowned by her lover for money, and treated unfairly by a famous actor, she keeps her simple and candid soul, and never gives up hope of living a happy life. Her optimism makes people laugh with a bitter feeling in the heart. She ends up with the same situation as she was in the beginning of the film, which is very much ironic ending. After robbed by her “fiancé” she walks down the street with street with the tears of despair. But gradually there appears more and more young and happy people singing and dancing around her to cheer her up, and then she smiles and cries at the same time. And at this moment, the audience can feel the same way as she does. Life is a tragedy with self-deception.
Giuseppe Tornatore’s ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' is released in 1988, three decades later ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’. Passed its golden age, Italian cinema has been in its recession since 70s’. But no doubt that ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso’ brought a warm current to Italian film industry. Following Fellini’s ‘Amarcord’ in 1974,it won Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film of 1989. Italy came back to the front stage of international cinema again. The story reviews the golden age of Italian cinema by telling a director’s childhood memory. The eternal friendship between Toto and Alfredo is the most touching theme of this film.
The ending of the film has its similarity to ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’, it is also a recall of where the story begins. A whole roll of kissing scenes edited with the negatives he asked from Alfredo when he was six. Using this gimmick to end a film is more powerful then traditional dramatic causality ending. In ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ the recall of beginning shows an endless tragic circle that Cabiria walks on. Whereas the ending of ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' presents us with an endless love that Toto received from his friend Alfredo.
Different film styles can be seen through how the film ends. The ironic and meaningful within Federico Fellini’s films is cold, and the emotional and seeking of eternal within Giuseppe Tornatore’s films I warm. They are in contrast, but both of the styles has their sparkle of their discussion of humanity. If ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ is satirize of how weak is the relationship between people in this material world, then ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso’ is the opposite.
2. Film Technology
Fellini had never thought ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ is an Italian neo-realism film, though film critics think so. The budget of this film was not very much, and the crew was not very big either, but these can never stop him making a good film. Under the limited budget, the film was shot in black and white,though in 1957 color film has been invented for several decades already. Try to imagine if it was shot in colour, what difference would it be? More visual information would be given to us, but is that necessary? At lease the last shot of Cabiria walking down the street with tears and smile would be less ironic than it is now in black and white. The colour of crowd would disturb our tension on the mood. Sometimes colours create mood, however sometimes they destroy it. Black and white itself is a visual style, it leaves out unnecessary information, and focus your attention on the movement on the screen.
Black and white films are considered as the feature of old films, there are even some audiences who are used to watching colour films find that black and white films are boring to the eyes and make them asleep. But to be honest, I cannot remember any particular colour in ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso', though it was shot in colour. And when I try to imagine if ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' was shot in black and white, I don’t have many concern about enjoy it.
Colours do give a difference to the films style, but for these two films, the difference is hardly noticeable, though one of them is black and white, the other has colour. And you can never imagine if films like ‘Transformer’ without colour. So from this point of view, the unnoticeable colour is also a part of their film styles.

It is obviously the moving ability of cameras in the two films was quite improved by time and budget. Under the economy condition of 1950s, there wasn’t any crane and hardly any zoom in ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’, relatively there are more long takes and pans. ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' has kept the tradition of using long takes and pans, and included zooms and cranes together. Both of the films use one direction to describe the same subject rather than use multiple camera positions. The camera can get a shallower depth of field in ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' than the camera in ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’, so that it achieves a better effect when has many background crowd in shots. There are deep compositions in both of the film, which are always designed with western aesthetic preference of one thirds rule. There are no extreme angle or handhold style shots in either of the films. They share a similar shooting principle follows the classical western aesthetic, which is pleasant to watch and doesn’t feel as formalistic as the symmetrical composition.
Montages and long takes, close-ups and wide shot were all edited together with beat in both of the films. Andre Bazin’s opinion is long takes and wide shots show a more realistic vision than montages and close-ups. But montages run a faster speed and close-ups focus the attention. Long take imitates the way in which human eyes see, it doesn’t stop montage imitates the way how human brain do the job of selective memory. Not every piece of information that we see necessarily can be memorized. Montages and close-ups cut and crop out those unnecessary information is reasonable and pleasant to watch.
It will turn out a varied speed, if montages and long-takes edit together. And this editing technique makes the stories develop in a speed that neither too fast nor too slow.
There’s a difference on the timelines of the two films. ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ has only one timeline, whereas ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' has two timelines, the narration is interspersed with flashbacks. As the film is not about mystery and suspense, this editing method applies nostalgic sentiments to the whole film. The narrative styles of these two directors cannot be explained just by editing method. It is more of their personalities than the technologies terms, so it will be discussed later in this essay.
Sound and music
From 1950s to 1980s, sound recording technology was the biggest developed department of film industry. ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ used mono sound recording tech, and 15 years after which ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' recorded its sound in Dolby sound system. Dolby sound technology provides audience with a much realer hearing experience when watching images. It brings films to life. But mono sound systems can be more stylistic than 5.1 Dolby stereo sound systems, because they are hardly used.
Background music plays a very important role on film style. Nino Rota’s music gives a light comedy taste to ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ despite the hypnosis scene and the ending, where the music was not exuberant. The background music illustrates an ironic style that Fellini plays the best. It makes you laugh while you want to cry, cry while you want to laugh. On the other hand, the background music in ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' is deep soulful and full of nostalgia. It shapes the atmosphere with its power of tenderness. If the style of ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ is loose and undisciplined, then ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' is agglomerate and serious.
3. Realism or Idealism
Seeing a article says“ …the zero evidently there to remind us of the archivist’s unvanquishable enemy – empty vistas of empty time (see Fellini or Tornatore’s Cinema Paraiso for a nostalgic sentimentalizing of this self-same idealization of a cinema teeming with affective life).”, to my surprise, regarding as a realism filmmaker, Tornatore’s Cinema Paraiso is described as made from empty vistas of empty time, moreover Fellini cannot escape this judgment neither.
On the other hand, a strict realism film critic like Andre Bazin himself wrote in his “Cahiers du cinema” with full of regards. Although the last shot of ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ is as artificial and symbolic as it can be, Bazin loved it. Though the idea of a fairy-tale prostitute is hardly realistic, but he put her in the real world, where the people surround her are very much taken shapes from reality. It is a fiction but shot in real location with naturalistic style of lighting(so as ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso'), conforming to the principle of simplicity. The film in my point of view is an ironic drama made in the Italian Neo-realism way. And differing from other drama films with their dramatic causality, the incidences in this film build up analogy and echo on its spectators. It is more about the theme he wants to discuss rather than the cause and affect.

I will never agree on the saying of “empty vistas of empty time”, because every thing in human mind reflect the life he lives in, fiction is always based on reality, otherwise we wouldn’t create alliances all with eyes, nose and mouth referring to the creatures we knows. And filmmakers would never escape from time neither. There’s always something affects him during the period of time that he is alive. A realism filmmaker, is the person who try to set his story in reality, no matter how good he does it. It is the direction that matters.

The film styles of ‘Le Notti di Cabiria’ and ‘Nuovo Cinema Paradiso' are complex. They are fictions but made in a realistic way. They try to explore the real world with their tales. The former is ironic and the later is glorifiable. Both of them put emphasis on the themes rather than dramatic causality. They are similar in technique styles, but in contrast of their themes. They are also both affected heavily by period and their national culture.
written by Feini Dong


有人会为了四万里拉把你丢到河里喂鱼,推入水中 偶遇影星 洞穴人居所遇慈善者 圣母朝圣会蜡烛灭了祈愿生活却没变瘸子还瘸 剧场被催眠露真情 18岁的纯洁 或许你不需要主的祝福 寻圣者不遇 骗子应该成全她 结尾又在青春的欢歌中乐观结束。。怀揣纯真永不褪色相信真爱绝不流俗

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2018.12.01在Arc Cinema观看了修复版的卡比利亚之夜,剧情是很纯粹的黑暗玛丽苏,人设是很纯正的中国没文化淳朴村姑;想被这样的剧情吃惊到,你得是个活在50年代没什么见识的人。全片最惊艳的是结尾对弗朗索瓦佩里埃那阴翳的眼神的一个close shot,很具有暗示人物动机的功效。这部影片在50年前是凭借剧情扬名的,而一部单凭借剧情的电影注定要在时间里淡去色彩,现在看来更像一部被夹杂在真诚的渴望与不止的失望间的丧片罢了。不应该因为是费里尼,追求爱情就要被歌颂,柳暗花明就要被赞扬。我的费里尼初体验真不是很好…

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